Know Your SALAH

Asalaam Wa Alykum Wa Rahmat Allah Hi Wa Barakat


Many of us offer Salah like machines not knowing what we are actually saying/asking Allah during the Salah. Since its in Arabic, those of us who are somewhat fluent in Arabic can maybe understand the theme, but those who do not know even the basic grammar of Arabic cannot. So I thought to write the translation of the du’as and some Surahs that we recite. I couldn’t find the English translation for all the du’as so I had to write my own translation for some. Rests assure, the translations are all correct.

Note: I tried to get the Arabic text also, but couldn’t find it. So I’ve used Transliteration instead. Also, I haven’t written the whole transliteration for some du’as but so much so that you have an idea about what du’a I’m talking about.

Allahu Akhbar

Allah is the Greatest


(Thana):Subhannak Allah humma wa bahamdik wa tabarak asmukkah wa taala jadduka wala ilaha ghairuk

We celebrate Your Holiness, O Allah, Paradise belongs to You. Blessed is your name. Exalted is Your Greatness. And there is no god beside You.


(Surah Al Fatiha): Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi 0 Alhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalameena ……….

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful; All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help. Keep us on the right path. The path of those whom You has favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray. Ameen!


Subhaana rabbi Al Azeem

Glorious is my Lord, the Greatest


Sami Allah Hu liman Hamidah

Allah has heard who praises Him


Rabbana Lakal Hamd

O Allah! All praise is for you


Subhaana rabbi al Aalah

Glorious is My Lord, the Most High


(Du’a Qunoot) Allah huma inna nastainnuka wa nastaghfirruka wa no’minu bika….

O Allah! We seek Your help alone and ask for forgiveness from You. We believe in you and trust in You. We praise You for all the good things and are grateful to You. We do not be ungrateful to You. We disown and shun  those who are disobedient to You. O Allah! You alone do we worship and we pray to You and prostrate before You. We hasten towards You and serve You. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment. Indeed, Your punishment will be meted out to the unbelievers. 


Attaai yaat Allahhi wasallawaat wat tayyabaat asalaamo alaika……….

All offerings are for Allah, as also all worship and charitable deeds. Peace be on you O Prophet, and the Mercy of Allah and His favors. Peace be on us and on all righteous worshippers of Allah. I testify that there is no god but Allah; and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


(Durood Sharif) Allah humma sallay aalla Muhammad wa aalla aalay Muhammad kama sallaita ……….

O Allah! Shower Your blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as You had showered blessings on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah! Shower Your favors on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as You had showered favors on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.


After the Durood Sharif some of us read the following du’a:

Allah humma inni zulumtu nafsi zulman kaseera yaghfiritika zunuuba……… (this du’a is found in a hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) told this du’a to Abu Bakr (RAA))

O Allah! Indeed, I have wronged myself much and none will forgive (me) the sins except You. So forgive me a forgiveness from you and have mercy on me. Indeed, You are the Forgiving the Merciful.


Instead of the above du’a, some read the following two du’as:

Rabbijaalni muqeemus salaata wa min zurriyaat rabbana wa takabbal du’a. Rabbanagh firli walay wali dieya…… (this du’a is actually an ayaat of Surah Ibrahim, it is Prophet Ibrahim’s supplication to Allah)

O Allah! Grant me the blessing of always offering my Salah and to my children also. And my Lord, accept my supplications.  O Allah! On the day when we will be accountable (for our deeds), forgive me, my parents and all the righteous people.

Rabbana ateena fid dunniya hasanatau wa fil aakhirah hasantau wa aqinaa azaab an naar

O Allah! Grant me Your blessings in this world and Your blessing in the Hereafter and save me from the punishment of the grave.

Though whatever du’a you read from the above is correct, many (especially those following Imam Hanaafi) tend to read the last two du’as. Some read all three du’as, this is even better.


Assalaamo Alykum Wa Rahmat Allah

Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah


Thus, in a Salah, one is praising Allah and sending blessings upon His Messenger (PBUH) as well as asking forgiveness and the mercy of Allah. These translations just give an idea. Its always better to learn Arabic. Also, be careful with pronunciations of Arabic words. A single zair or zabar changes the whole meaning. For instance, Rabbana Ateena means O Allah! Grant me; and Rabbana Ataana means O Allah! I grant You;

May Allah give us the strength to do what is right and increase khushu in our Salah even more---Ameen!




Mufti Mohammad Aashiq Elahi Buland Shehri, 1999, A Gift for Women
Hajyane Fatimah Bai, Aurad o Wazaief

Wa-alykum Assalaam Wa Rahmat Allah Hi Wa Barakat!