Ideal Muslim Series

Muslim & his/her Rabb


Asalaam Wa Alykum Wa Rahmat Allah Hi Wa Barakat

It is important for us to educate ourselves with the right kind of attitude that Islam expects of us. Many Muslims are often overzealous in some matters but negligent in others. For instance, you might see a Muslim who insists on attending every prayer and standing in the front row, but he pays no heed to the bad smell emanating from his mouth or cloths; or s/he obeys and fears Allah but does not care to uphold the ties of kinship; or s/he devote much time to worship and pursuit of knowledge, but is neglecting his/her children’s upbringing and does not know what they are reading and who they are friends with.

It is astonishing when one realises how great a gap exists between what Islam wants for the Muslims and what they want from themselves-except a few of them who are sincere in their faith, pure of heart and soul and filled with ambition. These are the ones who are passionately devoted to their religion, drinking deeply from its pure spring and following its illustrious guidance more closely each day.

By examining the Quran and Sunnah, it seems the Muslim, as intended by these texts, is supposed to be a decent, modest social person, whom this unique combination of honourable characteristics distinguishes.

Realising the importance of a personality that might bring one immeasurably closer to Allah, I decided to write a series of mails which inshallah might benefit you all. After all, in all our acts of worship we only seek to be closer to Him and be among those whom He loves. These mails are a very short summary of the book “The Muslim Ideal” by Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi. Each character written here is supported either by a verse or a hadith or both. Due to lack of space I didn’t write all of the supporting Hadiths/Verses. For the complete pdf version of the book see the reference. There is another similar book for the women folk “The Ideal Muslimah.” However, in these mails, I have outlined characters common to both the genders.

These series of mails will touch on various topics the first being A Muslim and His/Her Rabb.

Muslim & his/her Rabb

§  Alertness:

The true and sincere Muslim is alert and open minded to the magnificence of Allah’s creation. S/he knows that it is Almighty Allah who is in control of the affairs of the universe and of mankind. S/he recognises the signs of His unlimited power in every aspect of creation, and so his faith in Allah increases, s/he remembers Him constantly and puts his/her trust in Him.

§  Obedience:

A sincere Muslim is humbly obedient to Allah in ALL matters. S/he never transgresses the limits and s/he follows Allah’s commands and guidance even when they are contrary to his/her own desires. Animals are overwhelmed with desires and pose less intellect. So when a human is controlled by his/her desires, s/he is no better than them.

A true Muslim worships Allah not just because s/he fears Him or for the sawaab, but because he loves Allah. Iblees was the best of the worshippers. He even out did the angels. However, he did not love Allah and that is the reason why he rebelled against Allah’s command to prostrate to Adam (A.S) when that command did not make sense to him. This is where a true believer draws the line. A Muslim loves Allah more than this life and thus obeys His commandments even if they do not make immediate sense to him/her. His/her main concern is the pleasure of his Rabb.

 The Prophet (PBUH) said:

 “Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah at the risk of displeasing the people, Allah will take care of him and protect him from them. But whoever seeks the pleasure of the people at the risk of angering Allah, Allah will abandon him to the care of the people.” {Al-Tirmidhi, isnad is hasan}

§  Accepts the will & decree of Allah:

A Muslim is well aware that every breath s/he takes is a mercy from Allah. Whatever good or bad happens, its all by the will of the Lord. Whatever befalls him in this life cannot be avoided because Allah has decreed it. His/her acceptance of the divine will and decree will earn him great reward from Allah Who will count him as one of the successful obedient believers.

“How amazing is the affair of the Muslim! His affairs are all good. If he experiences ease, he is grateful, and that is good for him. If he experiences hardship, he faces it with patience and perseverance, and that is also good for him” {Bukhari}

With this attitude, a Muslim always finds peace of mind and is completely satisfied with whatever his/her Lord has bestowed upon him.

§  Frequent repentance:

A true Muslim may find himself/herself becoming neglectful and slipping from the straight path, so that s/he may commit a sin. But s/he will soon remember his/her Rabb, turn away from his/her error and seek forgiveness for his/her failings.

The heart filled with love and fear of Allah will not be overcome by negligence. It is those who ignore Allah’s commands and guidance will be led astray. The heart of a sincere Muslim is ever eager to repent and seek forgiveness.

§  S/he is a true slave of Allah:

S/he often reads the Quran and reflects on its meaning. The Muslim firmly believes that his sole purpose in life is to worship his Rabb. However, this does not at all mean to cut off from worldly life and only pray/read Quran. Rather, Islam is a way of life and every action, when according to the teachings of the Prophet (BUH) and Quran, is considered an act of worship. Islam does not allow its followers to isolate themselves from the world for the rest of their life and just pray.

If what I think of it is correct then it is a favour from Allah, and if it is wrong, then it is part of my limitation. Allah may He be glorified knows best and it is |He who inspires all that is right. There may be some errors in interpreting a Hadith/Quranic verse so please forgive me and reply so that I can rectify it. Suggestions welcomed. Hope it really helps you and try to remember me in your prayers :D.






[1] Hashimi, M.A. (1997). The muslim ideal (Adobe Digital Editions version), Retrieved from
[2] Hashimi, M.A. (1996). The ideal muslimah (Adobe Digital Editions version), Retrieved from

Wa-alykum Assalaam Wa Rahmat Allah Hi Wa Barakat!